Make your mornings sing

# Chapter 352

Mornings are for productivity, because it gets more difficult as the day goes on, more inputs intrude, more demands are needed to be met, more expectations, less energy to accomplish all these matters. Get your groove on earlier in the day and enjoy the plush comfort of accomplishment. There are plenty enough challenges to work in the modern world that you don’t want to make things more difficult. Take the easier high productive road to where you need to be. Dig in deep in the mornings, pre-email, pre-schedule or calendar, pre-solve-the-world’s-problems, and definitely pre-news cycle and get some great work done.

You have to put the most important pieces right at the beginning. Not necessarily the most urgent, but the important. The pieces that could change everything, that develop your skills, that build a body of work, that move your goals forward, that build you. These are the important parts of your work, perhaps not the loud and the urgent, but the important. Whether it is writing two chapters in the novel you have always dreamed of writing, or resolving the plot line and character’s responses in that novella, or organizing your plan for the day, or reading your RSS feed which you have curated to send you the most pertinent and important information, or designing the next step in your side hustle, or catching up on your learning material for a potential new gig, or reading something deep and profound, make it important and make it a habit. Make your mornings sing with productivity and insight, make a difference in the world today.